Moth morning
29 Jul 2015
A reminder that there will be another 'moth morning' in the garden of The Battery from 7.30am on Friday 31 July. Be there. Could be your best chance of seeing a Flounced Rustic in the flesh!
Corn buntings
26 May 2015
Back in SS now and took a walk to see if the corn buntings were back by the sea-wall walk to East Lane. I was worried about this small, precious colony after the sea walls were stripped of their bushes last year. To my relief I heard one singing, half way along. Will hope to relocate the others in the next week or so. Glad to see that the sheep have been moved back into the usual fields now too – they were trampling some of our best habitat in the area between the dykes. Threats on all sides ...
First catch
18 April 2015
Elizabeth has just phoned me in a state of some elation to report that she has just trapped a wood mouse in her back garden, following our training session yesterday. Elizabeth gets the prize for the first catch. Beats all-night fishing off the beach!
Survey note
17 Apr 2015
Our first survey training session today. Eight stalwart surveyors duly caught some bank voles and wood mice, inspected a range of small mammal skulls, played with traps and tracking devices, and cautiously sniffed some otter spraints (quite a sweet smell actually, and wonderful to think we have otters in our midst). This could be addictive. Reptiles next week!