Category: Fauna


31 Oct 2015
The last day of October and a little heat-wave. No wonder the seasons are confused. To make the point, there were winter visitors coming in off the sea (a flock of fieldfares) and also an extremely late lesser whitethroat (a summer visitor) in bushes by the allotment patch. Also a peacock butterfly still on the wing. Nice but rather weird.

Moth trapping in Shingle Street

Here are the results of two moth trappings led by Nick Mason as part of the 2015 Shingle Street Survey, both held in Tricia Hazell’s garden at The Battery. The results tabulated here include just the larger ‘macro-moths’.
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Avocets gone

22 Aug 2015
... gone. The avocets and their two young have now flown. A little local success story. In nearby pools there was a ruff feeding, a wader on passage but not one I often see here. And further along the sea-walls there were two clouded yellow butterflies, so it looks as though the tiny colony at East Lane may have survived despite all the clearance work there.

Bird ringing

16 Aug 2015
We had a bird-ringing demo this morning (early) from Mervyn, who rings regularly in SS. Most of the catches were common garden birds like robins, great tits and dunnocks, but there were also several migrant warblers like common and lesser whitethroats, reed warbler, garden warbler and this very bright willow warbler – all of these heading south to Africa this month.

Avocet young

15 Aug 2015
One avocet on guard. The young ones are getting flighty and it will soon be going, going ...

Green sandpiper

13 Aug 2015
The avocets now have two fully fledged young which are making short flights, so they will probably be gone from their breeding pool soon. Today they were joined there by a green sandpiper, a small wader on autumn passage, which flashes a distinctive white rump when it takes off, contrasting with the very dark back so that it looks rather like a house martin at first sight.


12 Aug 2015
Lots of dragonflies on the wing this week. I've seen brown and migrant hawkers helicoptering along the dykes and today got a close veiw of a delicate common darter resting on a bramble leaf.

Day-flying moth

09 Aug 2015
Not all moths fly only by night and I've just been watching a delightful little day-flying one in our front garden. it's called a 'small purple and gold' and in appearance is just what it says on the tin. My book of micro-moths (and it is tiny) says that it feeds particularly on herbs like marjoram and that's exactly the plant it was nectaring on. The Latin name literally means 'bright flyer into flames', which isn't quite as helpful (to us or the moth) as the English one.

Bird ringing

02 Aug 2015
There will be a bird-ringing demonstration at the Secret Garden from 7.30am on Sunday 16 August. All welcome, including children. See birds in the hand instead of in the bush.


02 Aug 2015
A kingfisher in the Sluice area today. It will probably be around now for the autumn and winter. You have to be quick to see it but it perches on the reeds and the rocks near the outfall. Probably easiest to pick up from its whistled calls.